Operation and management of microservices
Many organizations made a significant step towards the cloud, public services, virtual machines, and platform, however there are ways to achieve operational efficiency, the highest levels of security and continuity of operations transforming applications and making them compatible with microservicios cloud.
The microservicios are a form of architecture to create applications where each function main is grouped and deployed independently. The architecture of microservicios is distributed and slightly flattened, so a failure in one component does not interrupt the entire application. Independent components work together and communicate with contracts API is well defined.
- With this solution, you can scale services and individual subsystems, depending on the needs of resources without the need to scale horizontally across the entire application.
- Replace or remove individual services without affecting the entire application, improving the security and reliability.
- You can create applications microservicios to meet the needs of business is constantly changing and commercialize the new features more quickly.
- With Microservicios in Azure you can create applications resilient, more scalable, and distributed to deliver value more quickly.
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