Yaguar: Migración exitosa de G Suite a Microsoft 365
” La migración a Microsoft 365 surgió en base suplir la necesidad de implementar y mejorar la administración, la seguridad y brindarle mejores herramientas colaborativas y de comunicación a los usuarios “
Yaguar | Pablo Lungrin, | Jefe de Tecnología

Rizobacter strengthened its cyber security and centralized its platforms with Microsoft Sentinel
The implementation of Sentinel allowed to Rizobacter to integrate all of their platforms on a single monitor, detect possible attacks and external monitoring more than 40 services in a single platform.

Mercantil Andina: Deployment and adoption of Microsoft Teams
Through the adoption of agile using processes from Microsoft FastTrack and focusing on learning, we've overcome the initial goals of the project, achieving an adoption of Teams, more than 90% of the users and above 70% in the use of Teams Meetings (virtual meetings); so that the migration to Office 365 allowed them to maximize productivity, as well as provided them with benefits, security and optimization of time.

BAM Academy: Community Training
The organization implemented the use of the platform of Community Training allowing to enhance the scope of the academia at the global level, and to improve the flow of work.

Raízen deploy Microsoft Teams, and trained more than a thousand employees in 30 days.
The energy company that produces and markets fuels, lubricants, and other specialties, in partnership with Prism and Microsoft, implemented its ERP remotely leveraged on Microsoft Teams, achieving a major organizational change is important that offers added value to the company.

Change in the work culture, facilitating remote work to hundreds of co-workers with Microsoft Teams.
As part of its plan of cultural transformation, the company of agricultural microbiology solution was adopted for communication and collaboration Microsoft Teams. Thanks to that, he managed to streamline their operations, enhancing the digital skills of their employees.

Agriculture digital: MAUÁ, a business application mounted on microservicios in Azure.
MAUA is a successful solution for the impact on the digitization of the business of thousands of agricultural producers because they are built in conjunction with two partners specialized business, which will serve as an example of digital transformation using microservicios Azure for this entire industry.

Digital inclusion through Community Training
With the objective of supporting the economic recovery and the development of Argentina, the Ministry of Productive Development of the Nation signed with a Microsoft agreement that collaborates with the program of training in digital skills.

VU Security: consulting Services in Azure
VU Security is a company of cybersecurity, with a focus on identity protection, fraud prevention, risk management, and biometrics. They are present in more than 20 countries, working with many industries such as government, banks, health, sport, entertainment, or any industry that may require security solutions.

Aseguradores de Cauciones: Management System in Azure
Securities is one of the first specialised insurers in the insurance and surety in Argentina and Uruguay, have over 50 years of experience in the market. They decided to migrate their systems to the cloud of Microsoft Azure cloud for its intuitive interface and the associated benefits to the management of costs.

Grupo Los Grobo: Government IT Services
Grupo Los Grobo is a group of economic argentine shaft in the production and export agro-industrial food. Provide a platform for traditional businesses such as the grain marketing, logistics solutions to the provision of agro-inputs and technical advice to the agricultural production. The implementation of Service Manager managed to improve the quality of service to users and centralize all the incidents in a single platform.

Emergencias: How to drive the delivery of health with the effective collaboration of the teams
Emergencias is the company with most experience in medicine extra-hospital of the country. Provides coverage to more than 7 million beneficiaries and manages a fleet of more than 500 mobile and 34 operational bases. When you migrate your e-mail and deploy Microsoft Teams, discovered a new way of working.